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2020-06-02 19:55:24 -07:00
const std = @import("std");
const utils = @import("utils.zig");
const Registry = @import("registry.zig").Registry;
const Storage = @import("registry.zig").Storage;
2020-06-03 15:01:30 -07:00
const SparseSet = @import("sparse_set.zig").SparseSet;
2020-06-02 19:55:24 -07:00
const Entity = @import("registry.zig").Entity;
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
/// BasicGroups do not own any components. Internally, they keep a SparseSet that is always kept up-to-date with the matching
/// entities.
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
pub const BasicGroup = struct {
registry: *Registry,
group_data: *Registry.GroupData,
2020-06-03 15:01:30 -07:00
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
pub fn init(registry: *Registry, group_data: *Registry.GroupData) BasicGroup {
return .{
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
.registry = registry,
.group_data = group_data,
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
pub fn len(self: BasicGroup) usize {
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
return self.group_data.entity_set.len();
/// Direct access to the array of entities
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
pub fn data(self: BasicGroup) []const Entity {
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
return self.group_data.entity_set.data();
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
pub fn get(self: BasicGroup, comptime T: type, entity: Entity) *T {
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
return self.registry.assure(T).get(entity);
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
pub fn getConst(self: BasicGroup, comptime T: type, entity: Entity) T {
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
return self.registry.assure(T).getConst(entity);
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
/// iterates the matched entities backwards, so the current entity can always be removed safely
/// and newly added entities wont affect it.
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
pub fn iterator(self: BasicGroup) utils.ReverseSliceIterator(Entity) {
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
return self.group_data.entity_set.reverseIterator();
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
pub fn sort(self: BasicGroup, comptime T: type, context: anytype, comptime lessThan: fn (@TypeOf(context), T, T) bool) void {
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
if (T == Entity) {
self.group_data.entity_set.sort(context, lessThan);
} else {
// TODO: in debug mode, validate that T is present in the group
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
const SortContext = struct {
group: BasicGroup,
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
wrapped_context: @TypeOf(context),
lessThan: fn (@TypeOf(context), T, T) bool,
fn sort(this: @This(), a: Entity, b: Entity) bool {
const real_a = this.group.getConst(T, a);
const real_b = this.group.getConst(T, b);
return this.lessThan(this.wrapped_context, real_a, real_b);
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
var wrapper = SortContext{ .group = self, .wrapped_context = context, .lessThan = lessThan };
2020-06-12 18:15:47 -07:00
self.group_data.entity_set.sort(wrapper, SortContext.sort);
2020-06-08 11:27:49 -07:00
2020-06-02 19:55:24 -07:00
pub const OwningGroup = struct {
registry: *Registry,
group_data: *Registry.GroupData,
super: *usize,
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
/// iterator the provides the data from all the requested owned components in a single struct. Access to the current Entity
/// being iterated is available via the entity() method, useful for accessing non-owned component data. The get() method can
/// also be used to fetch non-owned component data for the currently iterated Entity.
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
/// TODO: support const types in the Components struct in addition to the current ptrs
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
fn Iterator(comptime Components: anytype) type {
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
return struct {
group: OwningGroup,
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
index: usize,
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
storage: *Storage(u1),
component_ptrs: [@typeInfo(Components).Struct.fields.len][*]u8,
pub fn init(group: OwningGroup) @This() {
const component_info = @typeInfo(Components).Struct;
var component_ptrs: [component_info.fields.len][*]u8 = undefined;
inline for (component_info.fields) |field, i| {
const storage = group.registry.assure(field.field_type.Child);
component_ptrs[i] = @ptrCast([*]u8, storage.instances.items.ptr);
return .{
.group = group,
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
.index = group.group_data.current,
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
.storage = group.firstOwnedStorage(),
.component_ptrs = component_ptrs,
pub fn next(it: *@This()) ?Components {
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
if (it.index == 0) return null;
it.index -= 1;
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
// fill and return the struct
var comps: Components = undefined;
inline for (@typeInfo(Components).Struct.fields) |field, i| {
const typed_ptr = @ptrCast([*]field.field_type.Child, @alignCast(@alignOf(field.field_type.Child), it.component_ptrs[i]));
2020-06-20 17:00:32 -07:00
@field(comps, field.name) = &typed_ptr[it.index];
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
return comps;
pub fn entity(it: @This()) Entity {
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
std.debug.assert(it.index >= 0 and it.index < it.group.group_data.current);
return it.storage.set.dense.items[it.index];
pub fn get(it: @This(), comptime T: type) *T {
return it.group.registry.get(T, it.entity());
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
// Reset the iterator to the initial index
pub fn reset(it: *@This()) void {
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
it.index = it.group.group_data.current;
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
pub fn init(registry: *Registry, group_data: *Registry.GroupData, super: *usize) OwningGroup {
return .{
.registry = registry,
.group_data = group_data,
.super = super,
2020-06-03 23:33:59 -07:00
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
/// grabs an untyped (u1) reference to the first Storage(T) in the owned array
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
fn firstOwnedStorage(self: OwningGroup) *Storage(u1) {
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
const ptr = self.registry.components.get(self.group_data.owned[0]).?;
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
return @intToPtr(*Storage(u1), ptr);
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
/// total number of entities in the group
pub fn len(self: OwningGroup) usize {
return self.group_data.current;
2020-06-07 17:28:42 -07:00
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
/// direct access to the array of entities of the first owning group
pub fn data(self: OwningGroup) []const Entity {
return self.firstOwnedStorage().data();
pub fn contains(self: OwningGroup, entity: Entity) bool {
var storage = self.firstOwnedStorage();
return storage.contains(entity) and storage.set.index(entity) < self.len();
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
fn validate(self: OwningGroup, comptime Components: anytype) void {
2020-06-10 16:01:09 -07:00
if (std.builtin.mode == .Debug and self.group_data.owned.len > 0) {
std.debug.assert(@typeInfo(Components) == .Struct);
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
2020-06-10 16:01:09 -07:00
inline for (@typeInfo(Components).Struct.fields) |field| {
std.debug.assert(@typeInfo(field.field_type) == .Pointer);
const found = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u32, self.group_data.owned, utils.typeId(std.meta.Child(field.field_type)));
std.debug.assert(found != null);
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
pub fn getOwned(self: OwningGroup, entity: Entity, comptime Components: anytype) Components {
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
const component_info = @typeInfo(Components).Struct;
var component_ptrs: [component_info.fields.len][*]u8 = undefined;
inline for (component_info.fields) |field, i| {
const storage = self.registry.assure(field.field_type.Child);
component_ptrs[i] = @ptrCast([*]u8, storage.instances.items.ptr);
// fill the struct
const index = self.firstOwnedStorage().set.index(entity);
var comps: Components = undefined;
inline for (component_info.fields) |field, i| {
const typed_ptr = @ptrCast([*]field.field_type.Child, @alignCast(@alignOf(field.field_type.Child), component_ptrs[i]));
@field(comps, field.name) = &typed_ptr[index];
return comps;
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
pub fn each(self: OwningGroup, comptime func: anytype) void {
2020-06-09 16:21:26 -07:00
const Components = switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(func))) {
.BoundFn => |func_info| func_info.args[1].arg_type.?,
.Fn => |func_info| func_info.args[0].arg_type.?,
else => std.debug.assert("invalid func"),
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
2020-06-09 16:21:26 -07:00
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
// optionally we could just use an Iterator here and pay for some slight indirection for code sharing
2020-06-20 17:00:32 -07:00
var iter = self.iterator(Components);
while (iter.next()) |comps| {
@call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, func, .{comps});
2020-06-09 16:21:26 -07:00
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
/// returns the component storage for the given type for direct access
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
pub fn getStorage(self: OwningGroup, comptime T: type) *Storage(T) {
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
return self.registry.assure(T);
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
pub fn get(self: OwningGroup, comptime T: type, entity: Entity) *T {
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
return self.registry.assure(T).get(entity);
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
pub fn getConst(self: OwningGroup, comptime T: type, entity: Entity) T {
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
return self.registry.assure(T).getConst(entity);
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
pub fn sortable(self: OwningGroup) bool {
return self.group_data.super == self.group_data.size;
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
/// returns an iterator with optimized access to the owend Components. Note that Components should be a struct with
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
/// fields that are pointers to the component types that you want to fetch. Only types that are owned are valid! Non-owned
/// types should be fetched via Iterator.get.
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
pub fn iterator(self: OwningGroup, comptime Components: anytype) Iterator(Components) {
2020-06-09 19:22:24 -07:00
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
return Iterator(Components).init(self);
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
pub fn entityIterator(self: OwningGroup) utils.ReverseSliceIterator(Entity) {
return utils.ReverseSliceIterator(Entity).init(self.firstOwnedStorage().set.dense.items[0..self.group_data.current]);
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
pub fn sort(self: OwningGroup, comptime T: type, context: anytype, comptime lessThan: fn (@TypeOf(context), T, T) bool) void {
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
var first_storage = self.firstOwnedStorage();
if (T == Entity) {
// only sort up to self.group_data.current
2020-06-12 23:37:09 -07:00
first_storage.sort(Entity, self.group_data.current, context, lessThan);
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
} else {
// TODO: in debug mode, validate that T is present in the group
const SortContext = struct {
group: OwningGroup,
wrapped_context: @TypeOf(context),
lessThan: fn (@TypeOf(context), T, T) bool,
fn sort(this: @This(), a: Entity, b: Entity) bool {
const real_a = this.group.getConst(T, a);
const real_b = this.group.getConst(T, b);
return this.lessThan(this.wrapped_context, real_a, real_b);
const wrapper = SortContext{ .group = self, .wrapped_context = context, .lessThan = lessThan };
2020-06-12 23:37:09 -07:00
first_storage.sort(Entity, self.group_data.current, wrapper, SortContext.sort);
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
2020-06-12 23:37:09 -07:00
// sync up the rest of the owned components
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
var next: usize = self.group_data.current;
while (true) : (next -= 1) {
if (next == 0) break;
const pos = next - 1;
const entity = first_storage.data()[pos];
// skip the first one since its what we are using to sort with
for (self.group_data.owned[1..]) |type_id| {
2020-07-20 09:53:15 -07:00
var other_ptr = self.registry.components.get(type_id).?;
2020-06-12 20:05:55 -07:00
var storage = @intToPtr(*Storage(u1), other_ptr);
storage.swap(storage.data()[pos], entity);
2020-06-03 23:33:59 -07:00
2020-06-09 10:21:42 -07:00
test "BasicGroup creation/iteration" {
2020-06-02 19:55:24 -07:00
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
2020-06-03 15:01:30 -07:00
var group = reg.group(.{}, .{ i32, u32 }, .{});
std.testing.expectEqual(group.len(), 0);
2020-06-02 19:55:24 -07:00
var e0 = reg.create();
2020-06-03 15:01:30 -07:00
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
reg.add(e0, @as(u32, 55));
std.debug.assert(group.len() == 1);
2020-06-02 19:55:24 -07:00
2020-06-03 15:01:30 -07:00
var iterated_entities: usize = 0;
var iter = group.iterator();
while (iter.next()) |entity| {
iterated_entities += 1;
std.testing.expectEqual(iterated_entities, 1);
2020-06-09 10:21:42 -07:00
iterated_entities = 0;
for (group.data()) |entity| {
iterated_entities += 1;
std.testing.expectEqual(iterated_entities, 1);
2020-06-03 15:01:30 -07:00
reg.remove(i32, e0);
std.debug.assert(group.len() == 0);
2020-06-03 15:09:25 -07:00
2020-06-03 15:25:27 -07:00
test "BasicGroup excludes" {
2020-06-03 15:09:25 -07:00
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var group = reg.group(.{}, .{i32}, .{u32});
2020-06-03 15:09:25 -07:00
std.testing.expectEqual(group.len(), 0);
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
std.debug.assert(group.len() == 1);
var iterated_entities: usize = 0;
var iter = group.iterator();
while (iter.next()) |entity| {
iterated_entities += 1;
std.testing.expectEqual(iterated_entities, 1);
reg.add(e0, @as(u32, 55));
std.debug.assert(group.len() == 0);
2020-06-03 15:25:27 -07:00
test "BasicGroup create late" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
reg.add(e0, @as(u32, 55));
var group = reg.group(.{}, .{ i32, u32 }, .{});
std.testing.expectEqual(group.len(), 1);
2020-06-03 23:33:59 -07:00
test "OwningGroup" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var group = reg.group(.{ i32, u32 }, .{}, .{});
2020-06-03 23:33:59 -07:00
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
reg.add(e0, @as(u32, 55));
std.testing.expectEqual(group.len(), 1);
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
std.testing.expectEqual(group.get(i32, e0).*, 44);
std.testing.expectEqual(group.getConst(u32, e0), 55);
var vals = group.getOwned(e0, struct { int: *i32, uint: *u32 });
std.testing.expectEqual(vals.int.*, 44);
std.testing.expectEqual(vals.uint.*, 55);
vals.int.* = 666;
var vals2 = group.getOwned(e0, struct { int: *i32, uint: *u32 });
std.testing.expectEqual(vals2.int.*, 666);
2020-06-03 23:33:59 -07:00
test "OwningGroup add/remove" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var group = reg.group(.{ i32, u32 }, .{}, .{});
2020-06-03 23:33:59 -07:00
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
reg.add(e0, @as(u32, 55));
std.testing.expectEqual(group.len(), 1);
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
reg.remove(u32, e0);
2020-06-03 23:33:59 -07:00
std.testing.expectEqual(group.len(), 0);
2020-06-07 17:28:42 -07:00
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
test "OwningGroup iterate" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
reg.add(e0, @as(u32, 55));
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
reg.add(e0, @as(u8, 11));
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
var e1 = reg.create();
reg.add(e1, @as(i32, 666));
reg.add(e1, @as(u32, 999));
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
reg.add(e1, @as(f32, 55.5));
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
var group = reg.group(.{ i32, u32 }, .{}, .{});
var iter = group.iterator(struct { int: *i32, uint: *u32 });
while (iter.next()) |item| {
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
if (iter.entity() == e0) {
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
std.testing.expectEqual(item.int.*, 44);
std.testing.expectEqual(item.uint.*, 55);
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
std.testing.expectEqual(iter.get(u8).*, 11);
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
} else {
std.testing.expectEqual(item.int.*, 666);
std.testing.expectEqual(item.uint.*, 999);
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
std.testing.expectEqual(iter.get(f32).*, 55.5);
2020-06-09 14:35:36 -07:00
2020-06-09 16:21:26 -07:00
fn each(components: struct {
int: *i32,
uint: *u32,
}) void {
std.testing.expectEqual(components.int.*, 44);
std.testing.expectEqual(components.uint.*, 55);
test "OwningGroup each" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
reg.add(e0, @as(u32, 55));
const Thing = struct {
fn each(self: @This(), components: struct {
int: *i32,
uint: *u32,
}) void {
std.testing.expectEqual(components.int.*, 44);
std.testing.expectEqual(components.uint.*, 55);
var thing = Thing{};
var group = reg.group(.{ i32, u32 }, .{}, .{});
2020-06-07 17:28:42 -07:00
test "multiple OwningGroups" {
const Sprite = struct { x: f32 };
const Transform = struct { x: f32 };
const Renderable = struct { x: f32 };
const Rotation = struct { x: f32 };
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
// var group1 = reg.group(.{u64, u32}, .{}, .{});
// var group2 = reg.group(.{u64, u32, u8}, .{}, .{});
var group5 = reg.group(.{ Sprite, Transform }, .{ Renderable, Rotation }, .{});
2020-06-07 17:28:42 -07:00
var group3 = reg.group(.{Sprite}, .{Renderable}, .{});
var group4 = reg.group(.{ Sprite, Transform }, .{Renderable}, .{});
2020-06-07 17:28:42 -07:00
2020-06-10 13:10:56 -07:00
// ensure groups are ordered correctly internally
2020-06-07 17:28:42 -07:00
var last_size: u8 = 0;
for (reg.groups.items) |grp| {
std.testing.expect(last_size <= grp.size);
last_size = grp.size;
// this will break the group
// var group6 = reg.group(.{Sprite, Rotation}, .{}, .{});
2020-06-07 22:10:52 -07:00