order doesnt matter anymore for types

cleanup OwningGroup
This commit is contained in:
Mike 2020-06-08 11:06:15 -07:00
parent 088a11b840
commit 21a51a9298
3 changed files with 48 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -73,37 +73,27 @@ pub fn BasicGroup(comptime n_includes: usize, comptime n_excludes: usize) type {
pub fn OwningGroup(comptime n_owned: usize, comptime n_includes: usize, comptime n_excludes: usize) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const OwningGroup = struct {
registry: *Registry,
group_data: *Registry.GroupData,
super: *usize,
current: *usize,
super: *usize,
registry: *Registry,
owned_type_ids: [n_owned]u32,
include_type_ids: [n_includes]u32,
exclude_type_ids: [n_excludes]u32,
pub fn init(registry: *Registry, group_data: *Registry.GroupData, super: *usize) OwningGroup {
return .{
.registry = registry,
.group_data = group_data,
.super = super,
pub fn init(super: *usize, current: *usize, registry: *Registry, owned_type_ids: [n_owned]u32, include_type_ids: [n_includes]u32, exclude_type_ids: [n_excludes]u32) Self {
return Self{
.super = super,
.current = current,
.registry = registry,
.owned_type_ids = owned_type_ids,
.include_type_ids = include_type_ids,
.exclude_type_ids = exclude_type_ids,
pub fn len(self: OwningGroup) usize {
return self.group_data.current;
pub fn len(self: Self) usize {
return self.current.*;
pub fn sortable(self: *Registry, comptime T: type) bool {
return self.super.* == n_owned + n_includes + n_excludes;
pub fn sortable(self: OwningGroup, comptime T: type) bool {
return self.group_data.super == self.group_data.size;
test "BasicGroup creation" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
@ -133,7 +123,7 @@ test "BasicGroup excludes" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var group = reg.group(.{}, .{ i32 }, .{ u32 });
var group = reg.group(.{}, .{i32}, .{u32});
std.testing.expectEqual(group.len(), 0);
var e0 = reg.create();
@ -168,7 +158,7 @@ test "OwningGroup" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var group = reg.group(.{i32, u32}, .{}, .{});
var group = reg.group(.{ i32, u32 }, .{}, .{});
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
@ -180,7 +170,7 @@ test "OwningGroup add/remove" {
var reg = Registry.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer reg.deinit();
var group = reg.group(.{i32, u32}, .{}, .{});
var group = reg.group(.{ i32, u32 }, .{}, .{});
var e0 = reg.create();
reg.add(e0, @as(i32, 44));
@ -203,9 +193,9 @@ test "multiple OwningGroups" {
// var group1 = reg.group(.{u64, u32}, .{}, .{});
// var group2 = reg.group(.{u64, u32, u8}, .{}, .{});
var group5 = reg.group(.{Sprite, Transform}, .{Renderable, Rotation}, .{});
var group5 = reg.group(.{ Sprite, Transform }, .{ Renderable, Rotation }, .{});
var group3 = reg.group(.{Sprite}, .{Renderable}, .{});
var group4 = reg.group(.{Sprite, Transform}, .{Renderable}, .{});
var group4 = reg.group(.{ Sprite, Transform }, .{Renderable}, .{});
var last_size: u8 = 0;
for (reg.groups.items) |grp| {

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub const Registry = struct {
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
/// internal, persistant data structure to manage the entities in a group
const GroupData = struct {
pub const GroupData = struct {
hash: u64,
size: u8,
/// optional. there will be an entity_set for non-owning groups and current for owning
@ -485,9 +485,7 @@ pub const Registry = struct {
comptime const hash = comptime hashGroupTypes(owned, includes, excludes);
for (self.groups.items) |grp| {
// TODO: these checks rely on owned/include/exclude to all be in the same order. fix that.
// TODO: prolly dont need the mem.eql since hash is the same damn thing
if (grp.hash == hash and std.mem.eql(u32, grp.owned, owned_arr[0..]) and std.mem.eql(u32, grp.include, includes_arr[0..]) and std.mem.eql(u32, grp.exclude, excludes_arr[0..])) {
if (grp.hash == hash) {
maybe_group_data = grp;
@ -500,7 +498,7 @@ pub const Registry = struct {
return BasicGroup(includes.len, excludes.len).init(&group_data.entity_set, self, includes_arr, excludes_arr);
} else {
var first_owned = self.assure(owned[0]);
return OwningGroup(owned.len, includes.len, excludes.len).init(&first_owned.super, &group_data.current, self, owned_arr, includes_arr, excludes_arr);
return OwningGroup.init(self, group_data, &first_owned.super);
@ -577,7 +575,7 @@ pub const Registry = struct {
} else {
// ??we cannot iterate backwards because we want to leave behind valid entities in case of owned types
// ??? why not? we cannot iterate backwards because we want to leave behind valid entities in case of owned types
var first_owned_storage = self.assure(owned[0]);
for (first_owned_storage.data().*) |entity| {
@ -591,17 +589,18 @@ pub const Registry = struct {
return BasicGroup(includes.len, excludes.len).init(&new_group_data.entity_set, self, includes_arr, excludes_arr);
} else {
var first_owned_storage = self.assure(owned[0]);
return OwningGroup(owned.len, includes.len, excludes.len).init(&first_owned_storage.super, &new_group_data.current, self, owned_arr, includes_arr, excludes_arr);
return OwningGroup.init(self, new_group_data, &first_owned_storage.super);
/// returns the Type that a view will be based on the includes and excludes
/// returns the Type that a view will be, based on the includes and excludes
fn GroupType(comptime owned: var, comptime includes: var, comptime excludes: var) type {
if (owned.len == 0) return BasicGroup(includes.len, excludes.len);
return OwningGroup(owned.len, includes.len, excludes.len);
return OwningGroup;
/// given the 3 group Types arrays, generates a (mostly) unique u64 hash. Simultaneously ensures there are no duped types.
/// given the 3 group Types arrays, generates a (mostly) unique u64 hash. Simultaneously ensures there are no duped types between
/// the 3 groups.
inline fn hashGroupTypes(comptime owned: var, comptime includes: var, comptime excludes: var) u64 {
comptime {
for (owned) |t1| {
@ -623,10 +622,24 @@ pub const Registry = struct {
/// expects a tuple of types. Convertes them to type names, sorts them then concatenates and returns the string.
inline fn concatTypes(comptime types: var) []const u8 {
comptime {
const impl = struct {
fn asc(lhs: []const u8, rhs: []const u8) bool {
return std.mem.lessThan(u8, lhs, rhs);
var names: [types.len][]const u8 = undefined;
for (names) |*name, i| {
name.* = @typeName(types[i]);
std.sort.sort([]const u8, &names, impl.asc);
comptime var res: []const u8 = "";
inline for (types) |t| res = res ++ @typeName(t);
inline for (names) |name| res = res ++ name;
return res;

View File

@ -72,5 +72,5 @@ test "nested OwningGroups entity order" {
printStore(sprite_store, "Sprite");
printStore(transform_store, "Transform");
warn("group2.current: {}\n", .{group2.current.*});
warn("group2.current: {}\n", .{group2.group_data.current});