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2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
const std = @import("std");
const Process = @import("process.zig").Process;
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
/// Cooperative scheduler for processes. Each process is invoked once per tick. If a process terminates, it's
/// removed automatically from the scheduler and it's never invoked again. A process can also have a child. In
/// this case, the process is replaced with its child when it terminates if it returns with success. In case of errors,
/// both the process and its child are discarded. In order to invoke all scheduled processes, call the `update` member function
/// Processes add themselves by calling `attach` and must satisfy the following conditions:
/// - have a field `process: Process`
/// - have a method `initialize(self: *@This(), data: var) void` that initializes all fields and takes in a the data passed to `attach`
/// - when initializing the `process` field it ust be given an `updateFn`. All other callbacks are optional.
/// - in any callback you can get your oiginal struct back via `process.getParent(@This())`
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
pub const Scheduler = struct {
handlers: std.ArrayList(ProcessHandler),
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
/// helper to create and prepare a process and wrap it in a ProcessHandler
fn createProcessHandler(comptime T: type, data: var) ProcessHandler {
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
var proc = std.testing.allocator.create(T) catch unreachable;
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
// get a closure so that we can safely deinit this later
var handlerDeinitFn = struct {
fn deinit(process: *Process, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) void {
allocator.destroy(@fieldParentPtr(T, "process", process));
return .{
.process = &proc.process,
.deinitChild = handlerDeinitFn,
const Continuation = struct {
handler: *ProcessHandler,
pub fn init(handler: *ProcessHandler) Continuation {
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
return .{ .handler = handler };
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
// TODO: fix and return this when ProcessHandler can have next be a ProcessHandler
pub fn next(self: *@This(), comptime T: type, data: var) void { // *@This()
var next_handler = createProcessHandler(T, data);
self.handler.next = .{ .deinitChild = next_handler.deinitChild, .process = next_handler.process };
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
// TODO: remove this when ProcessHandler can have next be a ProcessHandler
const NextProcessHandler = struct {
deinitChild: fn (process: *Process, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) void,
process: *Process,
pub fn asProcessHandler(self: @This()) ProcessHandler {
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
return .{ .deinitChild = self.deinitChild, .process = self.process };
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
const ProcessHandler = struct {
deinitChild: fn (process: *Process, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) void,
process: *Process,
next: ?NextProcessHandler = null,
pub fn update(self: *ProcessHandler, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) bool {
if (self.process.dead()) {
if (!self.process.rejected() and self.next != null) {
// kill the old Process parent
self.deinitChild(self.process, allocator);
// overwrite our fields and kick off the next process
self.deinitChild = self.next.?.deinitChild;
self.process = self.next.?.process;
self.next = null; // TODO: when ProcessHandler can have next be a ProcessHandler
return self.update(allocator);
} else {
return true;
return false;
pub fn deinit(self: @This(), allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) void {
if (self.next) |next_handler| {
self.deinitChild(self.process, allocator);
pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Scheduler {
return .{
.handlers = std.ArrayList(ProcessHandler).init(allocator),
.allocator = allocator,
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
pub fn deinit(self: *Scheduler) void {
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
/// Schedules a process for the next tick
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
pub fn attach(self: *Scheduler, comptime T: type, data: var) Continuation {
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
std.debug.assert(@hasDecl(T, "initialize"));
std.debug.assert(@hasField(T, "process"));
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
var handler = createProcessHandler(T, data);
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
self.handlers.append(handler) catch unreachable;
return Continuation.init(&self.handlers.items[self.handlers.items.len - 1]);
/// Updates all scheduled processes
pub fn update(self: *Scheduler) void {
if (self.handlers.items.len == 0) return;
var i: usize = self.handlers.items.len - 1;
while (true) : (i -= 1) {
if (self.handlers.items[i].update(self.allocator)) {
var dead_handler = self.handlers.swapRemove(i);
if (i == 0) break;
/// gets the number of processes still running
pub fn len(self: Scheduler) usize {
return self.handlers.items.len;
/// resets the scheduler to its initial state and discards all the processes
pub fn clear(self: *Scheduler) void {
for (self.handlers.items) |handler| {
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
self.handlers.items.len = 0;
/// Aborts all scheduled processes. Unless an immediate operation is requested, the abort is scheduled for the next tick
pub fn abort(self: *Scheduler, immediately: bool) void {
for (self.handlers.items) |handler| {
test "" {
std.debug.warn("\n", .{});
const Tester = struct {
process: Process,
fart: usize,
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
pub fn initialize(self: *@This(), data: var) void {
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
self.process = .{
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
.startFn = start,
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
.updateFn = update,
.abortedFn = aborted,
.failedFn = failed,
.succeededFn = succeeded,
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
self.fart = data;
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
fn start(process: *Process) void {
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
const self = @fieldParentPtr(@This(), "process", process);
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
// std.debug.warn("start {}\n", .{self.fart});
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
fn aborted(process: *Process) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(@This(), "process", process);
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
// std.debug.warn("aborted {}\n", .{self.fart});
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
fn failed(process: *Process) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(@This(), "process", process);
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
// std.debug.warn("failed {}\n", .{self.fart});
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
fn succeeded(process: *Process) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(@This(), "process", process);
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
// std.debug.warn("succeeded {}\n", .{self.fart});
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
fn update(process: *Process) void {
const self = @fieldParentPtr(@This(), "process", process);
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
// std.debug.warn("update {}\n", .{self.fart});
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
var scheduler = Scheduler.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer scheduler.deinit();
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
_ = scheduler.attach(Tester, 33).next(Tester, 66);
2020-06-13 18:36:57 -07:00
2020-06-13 21:08:00 -07:00
test "scheduler.clear" {
const Tester = struct {
process: Process,
pub fn initialize(self: *@This(), data: var) void {
self.process = .{ .updateFn = update };
fn update(process: *Process) void {
var scheduler = Scheduler.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer scheduler.deinit();
_ = scheduler.attach(Tester, {}).next(Tester, {});
test "scheduler.attach.next" {
const Tester = struct {
process: Process,
counter: *usize,
pub fn initialize(self: *@This(), data: var) void {
self.process = .{ .updateFn = update };
self.counter = data;
fn update(process: *Process) void {
const self = process.getParent(@This());
self.counter.* += 1;
var scheduler = Scheduler.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer scheduler.deinit();
var counter: usize = 0;
_ = scheduler.attach(Tester, &counter).next(Tester, &counter);
std.testing.expectEqual(counter, 2);