2023-06-24 14:07:03 +08:00

117 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const ErasedPtr = @import("../ecs/utils.zig").ErasedPtr;
/// Simple cache for resources of a given type. If any resource has a deinit method it will be called when clear
/// or remove is called. Implementing a "loader" which is passed to "load" is a struct with one method:
/// - load(self: @This()) *T.
pub fn Cache(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
safe_deinit: *const fn (*@This()) void,
resources: std.AutoHashMap(u32, *T),
allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator = null,
pub fn initPtr(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) *@This() {
var cache = allocator.create(@This()) catch unreachable;
cache.safe_deinit = struct {
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
cache.resources = std.AutoHashMap(u32, *T).init(allocator);
cache.allocator = allocator;
return cache;
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) @This() {
return .{
.safe_deinit = struct {
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
.resources = std.AutoHashMap(u32, *T).init(allocator),
pub fn deinit(self: *@This()) void {
pub fn load(self: *@This(), id: u32, comptime loader: anytype) @typeInfo(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(@field(loader, "load"))).Pointer.child).Fn.return_type.? {
if (self.resources.get(id)) |resource| {
return resource;
var resource = loader.load(loader);
_ = self.resources.put(id, resource) catch unreachable;
return resource;
pub fn contains(self: *@This(), id: u32) bool {
return self.resources.contains(id);
pub fn remove(self: *@This(), id: u32) void {
if (self.resources.fetchRemove(id)) |kv| {
if (@hasDecl(T, "deinit")) {
@call(.always_inline, T.deinit, .{kv.value});
pub fn clear(self: *@This()) void {
// optionally deinit any resources that have a deinit method
if (@hasDecl(T, "deinit")) {
var iter = self.resources.iterator();
while (iter.next()) |kv| {
@call(.always_inline, T.deinit, .{kv.value_ptr.*});
pub fn size(self: @This()) usize {
return self.resources.count();
test "cache" {
const utils = @import("../ecs/utils.zig");
const Thing = struct {
fart: i32,
pub fn deinit(self: *@This()) void {
const ThingLoadArgs = struct {
// Use actual field "load" as function pointer to avoid zig v0.10.0
// compiler error: "error: no field named 'load' in struct '...'"
load: *const fn (self: @This()) *Thing,
pub fn loadFn(self: @This()) *Thing {
_ = self;
return std.testing.allocator.create(Thing) catch unreachable;
var cache = Cache(Thing).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer cache.deinit();
_ = cache.load(utils.hashString("my/id"), ThingLoadArgs{ .load = ThingLoadArgs.loadFn });
_ = cache.load(utils.hashString("another/id"), ThingLoadArgs{ .load = ThingLoadArgs.loadFn });
try std.testing.expectEqual(cache.size(), 2);
try std.testing.expectEqual(cache.size(), 1);
try std.testing.expectEqual(cache.size(), 0);