const std = @import("std"); const ecs = @import("ecs"); // override the EntityTraits used by ecs pub const EntityTraits = ecs.EntityTraitsType(.medium); pub const Velocity = struct { x: f32, y: f32 }; pub const Position = struct { x: f32, y: f32 }; /// logs the timing for views vs groups with 1,000,000 entities pub fn main() !void { var reg = ecs.Registry.init(std.heap.c_allocator); defer reg.deinit(); var timer = try std.time.Timer.start(); var i: usize = 0; while (i < 1000000) : (i += 1) { var e1 = reg.create(); reg.add(e1, Position{ .x = 1, .y = 1 }); reg.add(e1, Velocity{ .x = 1, .y = 1 }); } var end = timer.lap(); std.debug.warn("create: \t{d}\n", .{@intToFloat(f64, end) / 1000000000}); var view = reg.view(.{ Velocity, Position }, .{}); timer.reset(); var iter = view.iterator(); while ( |entity| { var pos = view.get(Position, entity); const vel = view.getConst(Velocity, entity); pos.*.x += vel.x; pos.*.y += vel.y; } end = timer.lap(); std.debug.warn("view (iter): \t{d}\n", .{@intToFloat(f64, end) / 1000000000}); var group ={ Velocity, Position }, .{}, .{}); end = timer.lap(); std.debug.warn("group (create): {d}\n", .{@intToFloat(f64, end) / 1000000000}); timer.reset(); var group_iter = group.iterator(struct { vel: *Velocity, pos: *Position }); while ( |e| { e.pos.*.x += e.vel.x; e.pos.*.y += e.vel.y; } end = timer.lap(); std.debug.warn("group (iter): \t{d}\n", .{@intToFloat(f64, end) / 1000000000}); timer.reset(); group.each(each); end =; std.debug.warn("group (each): \t{d}\n", .{@intToFloat(f64, end) / 1000000000}); } fn each(e: struct { vel: *Velocity, pos: *Position }) void { e.pos.*.x += e.vel.x; e.pos.*.y += e.vel.y; }