const std = @import("std"); /// generates versioned "handles" ( /// you choose the type of the handle (aka its size) and how much of that goes to the index and the version. /// the bitsize of version + id must equal the handle size. pub fn Handles(comptime HandleType: type, comptime IndexType: type, comptime VersionType: type) type { std.debug.assert(@typeInfo(HandleType) == .Int and std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(HandleType)) == HandleType); std.debug.assert(@typeInfo(IndexType) == .Int and std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(IndexType)) == IndexType); std.debug.assert(@typeInfo(VersionType) == .Int and std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(VersionType)) == VersionType); if (@bitSizeOf(IndexType) + @bitSizeOf(VersionType) != @bitSizeOf(HandleType)) @compileError("IndexType and VersionType must sum to HandleType's bit count"); return struct { const Self = @This(); handles: []HandleType, append_cursor: IndexType = 0, last_destroyed: ?IndexType = null, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, const invalid_id = std.math.maxInt(IndexType); pub const Iterator = struct { hm: Self, index: usize = 0, pub fn init(hm: Self) @This() { return .{ .hm = hm }; } pub fn next(self: *@This()) ?HandleType { if (self.index == return null; for ([]) |h| { self.index += 1; if ( { return h; } } return null; } }; pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Self { return initWithCapacity(allocator, 32); } pub fn initWithCapacity(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, capacity: usize) Self { return Self{ .handles = allocator.alloc(HandleType, capacity) catch unreachable, .allocator = allocator, }; } pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {; } pub fn extractId(_: Self, handle: HandleType) IndexType { return @truncate(IndexType, handle); } pub fn extractVersion(_: Self, handle: HandleType) VersionType { return @truncate(VersionType, handle >> @bitSizeOf(IndexType)); } fn forge(id: IndexType, version: VersionType) HandleType { return id | @as(HandleType, version) << @bitSizeOf(IndexType); } pub fn create(self: *Self) HandleType { if (self.last_destroyed == null) { // ensure capacity and grow if needed if (self.handles.len - 1 == self.append_cursor) { self.handles = self.allocator.realloc(self.handles, self.handles.len * 2) catch unreachable; } const id = self.append_cursor; const handle = forge(self.append_cursor, 0); self.handles[id] = handle; self.append_cursor += 1; return handle; } const version = self.extractVersion(self.handles[self.last_destroyed.?]); const destroyed_id = self.extractId(self.handles[self.last_destroyed.?]); const handle = forge(self.last_destroyed.?, version); self.handles[self.last_destroyed.?] = handle; self.last_destroyed = if (destroyed_id == invalid_id) null else destroyed_id; return handle; } pub fn remove(self: *Self, handle: HandleType) !void { const id = self.extractId(handle); if (id > self.append_cursor or self.handles[id] != handle) return error.RemovedInvalidHandle; const next_id = self.last_destroyed orelse invalid_id; if (next_id == id) return error.ExhaustedEntityRemoval; const version = self.extractVersion(handle); self.handles[id] = forge(next_id, version +% 1); self.last_destroyed = id; } pub fn alive(self: Self, handle: HandleType) bool { const id = self.extractId(handle); return id < self.append_cursor and self.handles[id] == handle; } pub fn iterator(self: Self) Iterator { return Iterator.init(self); } }; } test "handles" { var hm = Handles(u32, u20, u12).init(std.testing.allocator); defer hm.deinit(); const e0 = hm.create(); const e1 = hm.create(); const e2 = hm.create(); std.debug.assert(hm.alive(e0)); std.debug.assert(hm.alive(e1)); std.debug.assert(hm.alive(e2)); hm.remove(e1) catch unreachable; std.debug.assert(!hm.alive(e1)); try std.testing.expectError(error.RemovedInvalidHandle, hm.remove(e1)); var e_tmp = hm.create(); std.debug.assert(hm.alive(e_tmp)); hm.remove(e_tmp) catch unreachable; std.debug.assert(!hm.alive(e_tmp)); hm.remove(e0) catch unreachable; std.debug.assert(!hm.alive(e0)); hm.remove(e2) catch unreachable; std.debug.assert(!hm.alive(e2)); e_tmp = hm.create(); std.debug.assert(hm.alive(e_tmp)); e_tmp = hm.create(); std.debug.assert(hm.alive(e_tmp)); e_tmp = hm.create(); std.debug.assert(hm.alive(e_tmp)); }