const std = @import("std"); const ErasedPtr = @import("../ecs/utils.zig").ErasedPtr; /// Simple cache for resources of a given type. If any resource has a deinit method it will be called when clear /// or remove is called. Implementing a "loader" which is passed to "load" is a struct with one method: /// - load(self: @This()) *T. pub fn Cache(comptime T: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); safe_deinit: fn (*@This()) void, resources: std.AutoHashMap(u32, *T), allocator: ?*std.mem.Allocator = null, pub fn initPtr(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) *@This() { var cache = allocator.create(@This()) catch unreachable; cache.safe_deinit = struct { fn deinit(self: *Self) void { self.clear(); self.resources.deinit(); self.allocator.?.destroy(self); } }.deinit; cache.resources = std.AutoHashMap(u32, *T).init(allocator); cache.allocator = allocator; return cache; } pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) @This() { return .{ .safe_deinit = struct { fn deinit(self: *Self) void { self.clear(); self.resources.deinit(); } }.deinit, .resources = std.AutoHashMap(u32, *T).init(allocator), }; } pub fn deinit(self: *@This()) void { self.safe_deinit(self); } pub fn load(self: *@This(), id: u32, comptime loader: anytype) @typeInfo(@TypeOf(@field(loader, "load"))).BoundFn.return_type.? { if (self.resources.get(id)) |resource| { return resource; } var resource = loader.load(); _ = self.resources.put(id, resource) catch unreachable; return resource; } pub fn contains(self: *@This(), id: u32) bool { return self.resources.contains(id); } pub fn remove(self: *@This(), id: u32) void { if (self.resources.remove(id)) |kv| { if (@hasDecl(T, "deinit")) { @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, @field(kv.value, "deinit"), .{}); } } } pub fn clear(self: *@This()) void { // optionally deinit any resources that have a deinit method if (@hasDecl(T, "deinit")) { var iter = self.resources.iterator(); while ( |kv| { @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, @field(kv.value, "deinit"), .{}); } } self.resources.clearAndFree(); } pub fn size(self: @This()) usize { return self.resources.items().len; } }; } test "cache" { const utils = @import("../ecs/utils.zig"); const Thing = struct { fart: i32, pub fn deinit(self: *@This()) void { std.testing.allocator.destroy(self); } }; const ThingLoadArgs = struct { pub fn load(self: @This()) *Thing { return std.testing.allocator.create(Thing) catch unreachable; } }; var cache = Cache(Thing).init(std.testing.allocator); defer cache.deinit(); var thing = cache.load(utils.hashString("my/id"), ThingLoadArgs{}); var thing2 = cache.load(utils.hashString("another/id"), ThingLoadArgs{}); std.testing.expectEqual(cache.size(), 2); cache.remove(utils.hashString("my/id")); std.testing.expectEqual(cache.size(), 1); cache.clear(); std.testing.expectEqual(cache.size(), 0); }