const std = @import("std"); const warn = std.debug.warn; // TODO: fix entity_mask. it should come from EntityTraitsDefinition. pub fn SparseSet(comptime SparseT: type, comptime DenseT: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); sparse: std.ArrayList(DenseT), dense: std.ArrayList(SparseT), entity_mask: SparseT, allocator: ?*std.mem.Allocator, pub fn initPtr(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) *Self { var set = allocator.create(Self) catch unreachable; set.sparse = std.ArrayList(DenseT).init(allocator); set.dense = std.ArrayList(SparseT).init(allocator); set.entity_mask = std.math.maxInt(SparseT); set.allocator = allocator; return set; } pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Self { return Self{ .sparse = std.ArrayList(DenseT).init(allocator), .dense = std.ArrayList(SparseT).init(allocator), .entity_mask = std.math.maxInt(SparseT), .allocator = null, }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { self.dense.deinit(); self.sparse.deinit(); if (self.allocator) |allocator| allocator.destroy(self); } fn page(self: Self, sparse: SparseT) usize { // TODO: support paging // return (sparse & EntityTraits.entity_mask) / sparse_per_page; return sparse & self.entity_mask; } fn assure(self: *Self, pos: usize) []DenseT { // TODO: support paging if (self.sparse.capacity <= pos or self.sparse.capacity == 0) { const amount = pos + 1 - self.sparse.capacity; // expand and fill with maxInt as an identifier const old_len = self.sparse.items.len; self.sparse.resize(self.sparse.items.len + amount) catch unreachable; self.sparse.expandToCapacity(); std.mem.set(DenseT, self.sparse.items[old_len..self.sparse.items.len], std.math.maxInt(DenseT)); } return self.sparse.items; } fn offset(self: Self, sparse: SparseT) usize { // TODO: support paging // return entt & (sparse_per_page - 1) return sparse & self.entity_mask; } /// Increases the capacity of a sparse sets index array pub fn reserve(self: *Self, cap: usize) void { self.sparse.resize(cap) catch unreachable; } /// Returns the number of dense elements that a sparse set has currently allocated space for pub fn capacity(self: *Self) usize { return self.dense.capacity; } /// Returns the number of dense elements in a sparse set pub fn len(self: Self) usize { return self.dense.items.len; } pub fn empty(self: *Self) bool { return self.dense.items.len == 0; } pub fn data(self: Self) *const []SparseT { return &self.dense.items; } pub fn contains(self: Self, sparse: SparseT) bool { const curr =; if (curr >= self.sparse.items.len) return false; // testing against maxInt permits to avoid accessing the packed array return curr < self.sparse.items.len and self.sparse.items[curr] != std.math.maxInt(DenseT); } /// Returns the position of an entity in a sparse set pub fn index(self: Self, sparse: SparseT) DenseT { std.debug.assert(self.contains(sparse)); return self.sparse.items[self.offset(sparse)]; } /// Assigns an entity to a sparse set pub fn add(self: *Self, sparse: SparseT) void { std.debug.assert(!self.contains(sparse)); // assure(page(entt))[offset(entt)] = packed.size() self.assure([self.offset(sparse)] = @intCast(DenseT, self.dense.items.len); _ = self.dense.append(sparse) catch unreachable; } /// Removes an entity from a sparse set pub fn remove(self: *Self, sparse: SparseT) void { std.debug.assert(self.contains(sparse)); const curr =; const pos = self.offset(sparse); const last_dense = self.dense.items[self.dense.items.len - 1]; self.dense.items[self.sparse.items[curr]] = last_dense; self.sparse.items[] = self.sparse.items[curr]; self.sparse.items[curr] = std.math.maxInt(DenseT); _ = self.dense.pop(); } /// Swaps two entities in the internal packed array pub fn swap(self: *Self, sparse_l: SparseT, sparse_r: SparseT) void { var from = &self.sparse.items[sparse_l]; var to = &self.sparse.items[sparse_r]; std.mem.swap(SparseT, &self.dense.items[from.*], &self.dense.items[to.*]); std.mem.swap(DenseT, from, to); } /// Sort elements according to the given comparison function pub fn sort(self: *Self) void { unreachable; } /// Sort entities according to their order in another sparse set pub fn respect(self: *Self, other: *Self) void { unreachable; } pub fn clear(self: *Self) void { self.sparse.items.len = 0; self.dense.items.len = 0; } }; } test "add/remove/clear" { var set = SparseSet(u32, u8).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer set.deinit(); set.add(4); set.add(3); std.testing.expectEqual(set.len(), 2); std.testing.expectEqual(set.index(4), 0); std.testing.expectEqual(set.index(3), 1); set.remove(4); std.testing.expectEqual(set.len(), 1); set.clear(); std.testing.expectEqual(set.len(), 0); } test "grow" { var set = SparseSet(u32, u8).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer set.deinit(); var i = @as(usize, std.math.maxInt(u8)); while (i > 0) : (i -= 1) { set.add(@intCast(u32, i)); } std.testing.expectEqual(set.len(), std.math.maxInt(u8)); } test "swap" { var set = SparseSet(u32, u8).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer set.deinit(); set.add(4); set.add(3); std.testing.expectEqual(set.index(4), 0); std.testing.expectEqual(set.index(3), 1); set.swap(4, 3); std.testing.expectEqual(set.index(3), 0); std.testing.expectEqual(set.index(4), 1); } test "data() synced" { var set = SparseSet(u32, u8).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer set.deinit(); set.add(0); set.add(1); set.add(2); set.add(3); var data =; std.testing.expectEqual(data.*[1], 1); std.testing.expectEqual(set.len(), data.len); set.remove(0); set.remove(1); std.testing.expectEqual(set.len(), data.len); }