const std = @import("std"); const warn = std.debug.warn; const utils = @import("utils.zig"); const SparseSet = @import("sparse_set.zig").SparseSet; const Signal = @import("../signals/signal.zig").Signal; const Sink = @import("../signals/sink.zig").Sink; /// Stores an ArrayList of components along with a SparseSet of entities pub fn ComponentStorage(comptime CompT: type, comptime EntityT: type) type { std.debug.assert(!utils.isComptime(CompT)); // empty (zero-sized) structs will not have an array created comptime const is_empty_struct = @sizeOf(CompT) == 0; // HACK: due to this being stored as untyped ptrs, when deinit is called we are casted to a CompT of some random // non-zero sized type. That will make is_empty_struct false in deinit always so we can't use it. Instead, we stick // a small dummy struct in the instances ArrayList so it can safely be deallocated. // Perhaps we should just allocate instances with a dummy allocator or the tmp allocator? comptime var CompOrAlmostEmptyT = if (is_empty_struct) struct { dummy: u1 } else CompT; return struct { const Self = @This(); set: *SparseSet(EntityT), instances: std.ArrayList(CompOrAlmostEmptyT), allocator: ?*std.mem.Allocator, /// doesnt really belong here...used to denote group ownership super: usize = 0, safe_deinit: fn (*Self) void, safe_swap: fn (*Self, EntityT, EntityT) void, construction: Signal(EntityT), update: Signal(EntityT), destruction: Signal(EntityT), pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) Self { var store = Self{ .set = SparseSet(EntityT).initPtr(allocator), .instances = undefined, .safe_deinit = struct { fn deinit(self: *Self) void { if (!is_empty_struct) { self.instances.deinit(); } } }.deinit, .safe_swap = struct { fn swap(self: *Self, lhs: EntityT, rhs: EntityT) void { if (!is_empty_struct) { std.mem.swap(CompT, &self.instances.items[self.set.index(lhs)], &self.instances.items[self.set.index(rhs)]); } self.set.swap(lhs, rhs); } }.swap, .allocator = null, .construction = Signal(EntityT).init(allocator), .update = Signal(EntityT).init(allocator), .destruction = Signal(EntityT).init(allocator), }; if (!is_empty_struct) { store.instances = std.ArrayList(CompOrAlmostEmptyT).init(allocator); } return store; } pub fn initPtr(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) *Self { var store = allocator.create(Self) catch unreachable; store.set = SparseSet(EntityT).initPtr(allocator); if (!is_empty_struct) { store.instances = std.ArrayList(CompOrAlmostEmptyT).init(allocator); } store.allocator = allocator; store.super = 0; = Signal(EntityT).init(allocator); store.update = Signal(EntityT).init(allocator); store.destruction = Signal(EntityT).init(allocator); // since we are stored as a pointer, we need to catpure this store.safe_deinit = struct { fn deinit(self: *Self) void { if (!is_empty_struct) { self.instances.deinit(); } } }.deinit; store.safe_swap = struct { fn swap(self: *Self, lhs: EntityT, rhs: EntityT) void { if (!is_empty_struct) { std.mem.swap(CompT, &self.instances.items[self.set.index(lhs)], &self.instances.items[self.set.index(rhs)]); } self.set.swap(lhs, rhs); } }.swap; return store; } pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { // great care must be taken here. Due to how Registry keeps this struct as pointers anything touching a type // will be wrong since it has to cast to a random struct when deiniting. Because of all that, is_empty_struct // will allways be false here so we have to deinit the instances no matter what. self.safe_deinit(self); self.set.deinit();; self.update.deinit(); self.destruction.deinit(); if (self.allocator) |allocator| { allocator.destroy(self); } } pub fn onConstruct(self: *Self) Sink(EntityT) { return; } pub fn onUpdate(self: *Self) Sink(EntityT) { return self.update.sink(); } pub fn onDestruct(self: *Self) Sink(EntityT) { return self.destruction.sink(); } /// Increases the capacity of a component storage pub fn reserve(self: *Self, cap: usize) void { self.set.reserve(cap); if (!is_empty_struct) { elf.instances.items.reserve(cap); } } /// Assigns an entity to a storage and assigns its object pub fn add(self: *Self, entity: EntityT, value: CompT) void { if (!is_empty_struct) { _ = self.instances.append(value) catch unreachable; } self.set.add(entity);; } /// Removes an entity from a storage pub fn remove(self: *Self, entity: EntityT) void { self.destruction.publish(entity); if (!is_empty_struct) { _ = self.instances.swapRemove(self.set.index(entity)); } self.set.remove(entity); } /// Checks if a view contains an entity pub fn contains(self: Self, entity: EntityT) bool { return self.set.contains(entity); } pub fn len(self: Self) usize { return self.set.len(); } pub usingnamespace if (is_empty_struct) struct { /// Sort Entities according to the given comparison function pub fn sort(self: Self, comptime sortFn: fn (void, EntityT, EntityT) bool) void { self.set.sort(sortFn); } } else struct { /// Direct access to the array of objects pub fn raw(self: Self) []CompT { return self.instances.items; } /// Replaces the given component for an entity pub fn replace(self: *Self, entity: EntityT, value: CompT) void { self.get(entity).* = value; self.update.publish(entity); } /// Returns the object associated with an entity pub fn get(self: *Self, entity: EntityT) *CompT { std.debug.assert(self.contains(entity)); return &self.instances.items[self.set.index(entity)]; } pub fn getConst(self: *Self, entity: EntityT) CompT { return self.instances.items[self.set.index(entity)]; } /// Returns a pointer to the object associated with an entity, if any. pub fn tryGet(self: *Self, entity: EntityT) ?*CompT { return if (self.set.contains(entity)) &self.instances.items[self.set.index(entity)] else null; } pub fn tryGetConst(self: *Self, entity: EntityT) ?CompT { return if (self.set.contains(entity)) self.instances.items[self.set.index(entity)] else null; } /// Sort Entities or Components according to the given comparison function pub fn sort(self: *Self, comptime T: type, comptime lessThan: fn (void, T, T) bool) void { std.debug.assert(T == EntityT or T == CompT); if (T == EntityT) { self.set.sortSub(lessThan, CompT, self.instances.items); } else if (T == CompT) { self.set.sortSubSub({}, CompT, lessThan, self.instances.items); // fn sorter(self: Self, a: T, b: T, sortFn) bool { // return sortFn(self.instances[a], self.instances[b]); // } //return compare(std::as_const(instances[underlying_type::index(lhs)]), std::as_const(instances[underlying_type::index(rhs)])); } } }; /// Direct access to the array of entities pub fn data(self: Self) []const EntityT { return; } /// Direct access to the array of entities pub fn dataPtr(self: Self) *const []EntityT { return self.set.dataPtr(); } /// Swaps entities and objects in the internal packed arrays pub fn swap(self: *Self, lhs: EntityT, rhs: EntityT) void { self.safe_swap(self, lhs, rhs); } pub fn clear(self: *Self) void { if (!is_empty_struct) { self.instances.items.len = 0; } self.set.clear(); } }; } test "add/try-get/remove/clear" { var store = ComponentStorage(f32, u32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer store.deinit(); store.add(3, 66.45); std.testing.expectEqual(store.tryGetConst(3).?, 66.45); if (store.tryGet(3)) |found| std.testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 66.45), found.*); store.remove(3); var val_null = store.tryGet(3); std.testing.expectEqual(val_null, null); store.clear(); } test "add/get/remove" { var store = ComponentStorage(f32, u32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer store.deinit(); store.add(3, 66.45); if (store.tryGet(3)) |found| std.testing.expectEqual(@as(f32, 66.45), found.*); std.testing.expectEqual(store.tryGetConst(3).?, 66.45); store.remove(3); std.testing.expectEqual(store.tryGet(3), null); } test "iterate" { var store = ComponentStorage(f32, u32).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer store.deinit(); store.add(3, 66.45); store.add(5, 66.45); store.add(7, 66.45); for ( |entity, i| { if (i == 0) { std.testing.expectEqual(entity, 3); } if (i == 1) { std.testing.expectEqual(entity, 5); } if (i == 2) { std.testing.expectEqual(entity, 7); } } } test "empty component" { const Empty = struct {}; var store = ComponentStorage(Empty, u32).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer store.deinit(); store.add(3, Empty{}); store.remove(3); } fn construct(e: u32) void { std.debug.assert(e == 3); } fn update(e: u32) void { std.debug.assert(e == 3); } fn destruct(e: u32) void { std.debug.assert(e == 3); } test "signals" { var store = ComponentStorage(f32, u32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer store.deinit(); store.onConstruct().connect(construct); store.onUpdate().connect(update); store.onDestruct().connect(destruct); store.add(3, 66.45); store.replace(3, 45.64); store.remove(3); store.onConstruct().disconnect(construct); store.onUpdate().disconnect(update); store.onDestruct().disconnect(destruct); store.add(4, 66.45); store.replace(4, 45.64); store.remove(4); } test "sort empty component" { const Empty = struct {}; var store = ComponentStorage(Empty, u32).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer store.deinit(); store.add(1, Empty{}); store.add(2, Empty{}); store.add(0, Empty{}); comptime const asc_u32 = std.sort.asc(u32); store.sort(asc_u32); for ( |e, i| { std.testing.expectEqual(@intCast(u32, i), e); } comptime const desc_u32 = std.sort.desc(u32); store.sort(desc_u32); var counter: u32 = 2; for ( |e, i| { std.testing.expectEqual(counter, e); if (counter > 0) counter -= 1; } } test "sort component" { std.debug.warn("\n", .{}); var store = ComponentStorage(f32, u32).initPtr(std.testing.allocator); defer store.deinit(); store.add(22, @as(f32, 2.2)); store.add(11, @as(f32, 1.1)); store.add(33, @as(f32, 3.3)); comptime const desc_u32 = std.sort.desc(f32); store.sort(f32, desc_u32); var compare: f32 = 5; for (store.raw()) |val, i| { std.testing.expect(compare > val); compare = val; } }