change Iterator implementation in MultiView struct to use already existing ReverseSliceIterator
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const utils = @import("utils.zig");
const Registry = @import("registry.zig").Registry;
const Storage = @import("registry.zig").Storage;
const Entity = @import("registry.zig").Entity;
const ReverseSliceIterator = @import("utils.zig").ReverseSliceIterator;
/// single item view. Iterating raw() directly is the fastest way to get at the data. An iterator is also available to iterate
/// either the Entities or the Components. If T is sorted note that raw() will be in the reverse order so it should be looped
@ -63,26 +64,19 @@ pub fn MultiView(comptime n_includes: usize, comptime n_excludes: usize) type {
pub const Iterator = struct {
view: *Self,
index: usize,
entities: *const []Entity,
internal_it: ReverseSliceIterator(Entity),
pub fn init(view: *Self) Iterator {
const ptr = view.registry.components.get(view.type_ids[0]).?;
const entities = @intToPtr(*Storage(u8), ptr).dataPtr();
const internal_it = @intToPtr(*Storage(u8), ptr).set.reverseIterator();
return .{
.view = view,
.index = entities.len,
.entities = entities,
.internal_it = internal_it
pub fn next(it: *Iterator) ?Entity {
while (true) blk: {
if (it.index == 0) return null;
it.index -= 1;
const entity = it.entities.*[it.index];
while ( |entity| blk: {
// entity must be in all other Storages
for (it.view.type_ids) |tid| {
const ptr = it.view.registry.components.get(tid).?;
@ -101,11 +95,19 @@ pub fn MultiView(comptime n_includes: usize, comptime n_excludes: usize) type {
return entity;
return null;
// Reset the iterator to the initial index
pub fn reset(it: *Iterator) void {
it.index = it.entities.len;
// Assign new iterator instance in case entities have been
// removed or added.
it.internal_it = it.getInternalIteratorInstance();
fn getInternalIteratorInstance(it: *Iterator) ReverseSliceIterator(Entity) {
const ptr = it.view.registry.components.get(it.view.type_ids[0]).?;
return @intToPtr(*Storage(u8), ptr).set.reverseIterator();
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