cleanup sort

This commit is contained in:
Mike 2020-06-13 14:53:14 -07:00
parent 96385b6c61
commit 9dd7ca445a

@ -174,17 +174,6 @@ pub fn SparseSet(comptime SparseT: type) type {
/// flips the script and uses the sparse set as the subordinate and does the sorting on the items slice
pub fn sortSubSub(self: *Self, length: usize, context: var, comptime T: type, comptime lessThan: fn (@TypeOf(context), T, T) bool, items: []T) void {
utils.sortSubSub(T, SparseT, items[0..length], self.dense.items, context, lessThan);
for (self.dense.items[0..length]) |sparse, i| {
// sparse[page(packed[pos])][offset(packed[pos])] = entity_type(pos);
const pos = @intCast(SparseT, i);
self.sparse.items[[pos])].?[self.offset(pos)] = pos;
/// Sort entities according to their order in another sparse set. Other is the master in this case.
pub fn respect(self: *Self, other: *Self) void {
var pos = @as(SparseT, 0);