fake commit to hold the sort context code

This commit is contained in:
Mike 2020-06-12 13:48:16 -07:00
parent 52aef18b35
commit 491adbb8c5

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@ -205,6 +205,19 @@ pub fn ComponentStorage(comptime CompT: type, comptime EntityT: type) type {
if (T == EntityT) {
self.set.sortSub(lessThan, CompT, self.instances.items);
} else if (T == CompT) {
const Context = struct{
self: *Self,
lessThan: fn (void, T, T) bool,
fn sort(this: @This(), a: EntityT, b: EntityT) bool {
const real_a = this.self.getConst(a);
const real_b = this.self.getConst(b);
std.debug.warn("-- a: {}, b: {} -- ae: {}, be: {} a < b {}\n", .{real_a, real_b, a, b, this.lessThan({}, real_a, real_b)});
return this.lessThan({}, real_a, real_b);
const context = Context{.self = self, .lessThan = lessThan};
self.set.sortSubSub({}, CompT, lessThan, self.instances.items);
// fn sorter(self: Self, a: T, b: T, sortFn) bool {
// return sortFn(self.instances[a], self.instances[b]);